Avonlea Dementia Care
Daily life
Over time, we learn what really works for each person. We discover what they like to do most, their most active times and the times when they like to rest. We explore, discover, and initiate what works best for each individual. This will often reflect past activity patterns and interests.
You may not see a traditional ‘activities programme’ in action in our home.
The reason is simple: it is important for people to have the freedom to experience life in their own way. An older person in a family home in the community does not often take part in regular organised ‘activities’ within their home. When at home they simply live life.
We have activity coordinators who will spend time with residents doing things they enjoy. We create an environment that closely mirrors a household living experience, with access to familiar homely pursuits such as showering, choosing what to wear, applying makeup and selecting jewellery, shaving, setting the table, folding linen, peeling vegetables, flower arranging, gardening, preparing and eating a meal, washing the dishes, or reading a magazine. In our small homes these interactions occur spontaneously with all staff and all residents every day, many times within a day.